New Ecologies: Decentralizing the human through contemporary practices

New Ecologies: Decentralizing the human through contemporary practices

New Ecologies: Decentralizing the human through contemporary practices

No. of sessions

6 sessions

120 min each


Every Wednesday

From Sept, 18 to Oct 23, 2024


From 18:00 to 20:00






20% discount available

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Single seminar

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Bundle of two seminars

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20% discount for students & IPS alumni

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This seminar will examine the glossaries that characterize new ecologies, analyzing inter-species articulations, cultural productions, ecological awareness, and the challenges of artistic, design, research, and curatorial practices in today’s climate crisis. From a broad approach to contemporary ecologies that defy rigid categorizations, we will deepen in the genealogies of the Postnatural, as a thinking tool and political subject. By looking into the terminologies related to the ecological crisis, we will unfold different approaches, both theoretical and material, and investigate other modes and perspectives that decolonize and expand our understanding of the environment. Through virtual visits and collective experiments, this seminar will also explore postnatural landscapes and technologies, such as the botanical garden, and revisit theories from Ecofeminism that invite decentralizing the human through contemporary practices.

The idea of a romanticized nature as a background scenario or neutral framework where human activity takes place is no longer valid and must be replaced by a broader and more complex reflection. In this online course, Nature will be explored as one of the main cultural constructions of modernity, focusing on contemporary perspectives that address environmental and ecological issues, and help foster interspecies relationships between humans, non-humans, matters, and technologies. Through a series of online sessions and lectures, we will explore the entanglements between art, philosophy, and the environment proposing successive decentralizations towards a non-human-centered perspective.

In what ways can new ecological perspectives redefine our relationship with the environment? What philosophical questions arise from the notion that nature and culture are deeply intertwined? How does the concept of postnature challenge the binary classifications of the natural world, and how can we ethically navigate its consequences and implications? What future scenarios can we envision where postnature and new ecological thinking lead to coexistence, empathy, and desirable ways of inhabiting the planet?

In this online course, we will explore nature as a central cultural construct of modernity, focusing on contemporary perspectives that address environmental and ecological issues. Using various theoretical approaches, we will examine the key terms that define new ecologies, analyzing interspecies interactions, cultural productions, ecological awareness, and the challenges faced by artistic, design, research, and curatorial practices in the context of the current climate crisis.

This seminar covers a wide range of issues and themes, including botany, archaeology, media studies, technologies, postnatural territories, ecofeminism, and postcolonial approaches. By using a broad methodology, the seminar engages with many contemporary debates. Through case studies, collective readings, virtual explorations, and critical analyses of various matters and events, the seminar aims to foster interspecies relationships among humans, non-human entities, matter, and technology.


Session I 18 / 9 / 2024 - New Ecologies: Dissolving the Nature/Culture Binomial This introductory session proposes an approach to contemporary ecologies that defy rigid categorizations, whilst exploring matters and stories that blur the boundaries between the cultural, the natural, and the artificial.

Session II 25 / 9 / 2024 - Genealogies of the Postnatural This session will revolve around the concept of Postnature, understanding it as a political subject, that will function as a debate platform from which to investigate, communicate, and discuss new approaches to artistic practice.  Through political ecology, post-natural aesthetics, and the creation of new ethics we can find the definitive dissolution of the nature-culture binomial. Session III 2 / 10 / 2024 - Against The Anthropocene We will raise a critique of the contemporary understanding of the Anthropocene, and deploy other terminologies and approaches, both theoretical and material, in order to think about desirable worlds of the future.

Session IV 9 / 10 / 2024 - Ecologies for The Future Analyzing theories from ecofeminism to new queer and coexistence approaches, this session proposes a political and post-anthropocentric revision of nature as a space for debate, as a parliament from which to be interested in the non-human, with entities, bodies, and things that are not like us, but that also construct us and constitute us.

Session V 16 / 10 / 2024 - Gardens of Delights Via a digital visit to botanical gardens, we will explore how we have built the idea of nature into a specific space of the urban landscape that is layered with political, economic, and aesthetical complexities. From queer plants to the rare ginkgo tree, we will investigate how we exploit plants for medical purposes, how we shape nature for aesthetic pleasure, and how botanical gardens have inspired artists in their practices. Session VI 23 / 10 / 2024 - Decolonizing nature This session involves rethinking and reshaping how natural environments and ecosystems are managed and understood, challenging the historically colonial frameworks that have often marginalized certain peoples and territories and exploited natural resources. Through a collective discussion, the last encounter is an invitation to inhabit



  • 1

    Wark, McKenzie. Sensoria: Thinkers for the Twentieth-First Century. 2020

  • 2

    Abram, David. The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World. 1996

  • 3

    Demos, T.J. Against the Anthropocene.Visual Culture and Environment Today. 2017

  • 4

    Haraway, Donna J. Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene. 2016

  • 5

    Tsing, Anna. The Mushroom at the end of the world. 2015

  • 6

    Morton, Timothy. Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (Columbia University Press). 2016

  • 7

    Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. 2010

* Selected short fragments of the following texts will be shared in advance in order to prepare for each session's discussions. The readings are recommended, in no case will they be mandatory or necessary to follow the course.


Gabriel Alonso (Madrid, 1986) is a visual artist and researcher formed between the ETSAM (Madrid), the Technische Universität (Berlin), and Columbia University in New York at the MS-CCCP, where he graduated with honors with his research thesis An Archaeology of Containment. In his works, through various formats such as installation, sculpture, photography, or video, he investigates contemporary relationships between fiction and materiality, in order to blur binomials between the natural and the artificial, the human and the non-human, understanding nature as a complex cultural construct. Represented by Pradiauto Gallery (Madrid), his work has been exhibited in different galleries and international exhibitions, such as Nordés Galería (Santiago de Compostela), CaixaForum (Barcelona), La Casa Encendida (Madrid), CA2M (Madrid), Centro-Centro (Madrid), Fundación La Caixa (Barcelona), Matadero (Madrid), John Doe Gallery (New York), IIAF (New York), Poor Media Leuven (Belgium), Mila Gallery (Berlin) among others. He has been an assistant professor at Barnard College of the University of Columbia (NYC) and at the Master of Advanced Architecture of the ETSAM and has given many lectures, talks, and workshops in different international institutions, museums, and universities. In 2020, he received the Creation Grant from the Madrid City Council, and in 2016 he received the FAD award for his publication Desierto and was awarded one of the prestigious grants from the Graham Foundation for the Fine Arts. In 2020, he founded the Institute for Postnatural Studies. In parallel to his academic experimentation, research, and curatorial practice, he developed an editorial practice through the platform Cthulhu Books.

Yuri Tuma is a multidisciplinary Brazilian artist who focuses on the investigation of contemporary narratives related to diverse ecologies through sound art, installation, and performance as a way to address and reevaluate the human/animal binomial imposed by science and Western thinking. More actively, in addition to academic programming and development, he coordinates the Institute's publishing project, Cthulhu Books, to become a showcase for the political potential of imagining new worlds and possible futures for the planet through academic and artistic research. Starting in 2021, in addition to participating in residencies and coordinating workshops around interspecies thinking, Tuma works with educational and mediation programs through sound art and performance at Spanish institutions such as Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Matadero, La Casa Encendida, INLAND, among others.

Single seminar

[Registration closed]

Bundle of two seminars

[Registration closed]

20% discount for students & IPS alumni

[Registration closed]

Early bird until July 27: 200€ / Regular price: 250€

Student, Alumni, or two-seminar pack, 20% discount

Inquiries to:


Are the sessions live or pre-recorded? All sessions are live, via a Zoom meeting, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. (CEST/Madrid time). All sessions will be recorded, so you can access all materials in case you miss the online encounters.

When are the sessions held? All sessions are held every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. via Zoom meetings. Once enrolled, you will get the access code to the meeting room and further information.

Where will we be able to access course materials? All materials will be shared through an online folder, where you will be able to see the sessions, find the texts and readings, as well as other interesting materials related to each session.

How long will we have access to the recordings? The recordings will be uploaded after every session, and all materials will be accessible during the course and until two weeks after the end.

Will the bibliography be shared in advance? All references, bibliographies, links, and materials will be shared in advance to facilitate the reading and preparation time of the sessions.

Do I get any kind of certificate after the seminar? After the completion of the seminar, you will receive a non-official certificate as a proof of enrollment.

Do you offer any scholarships or special prices? We offer a 20% discount for students and IPS alumni (a document showing enrollment to any academic institution or university, or previous IPS seminars, will be demanded). We understand that the cost to attend might be a barrier to entry depending on where you’re living, or your personal situation. If you are interested in requesting aid please send us a request through this form and we will analyse your case.

Are the discounts accumulative? No, we do not offer accumulative discounts. What we do offer is a 20% discount in case of acquiring more than one product, being an alumni, or being a student.

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