Wolves, Dolphins and Zamioculcas

Wolves, Dolphins and Zamioculcas


La Casa Encendida Radio





Imagen programa Lobos delfines y zamioculcas
Image taken during one of the sessions of the workshop at La Casa Encendida

Throughout four sessions we have explored, among other topics, interspecies erotica, sound composition, digital roleplaying, phonetic poetry, expanded listening and field recordings. In the workshop "Lobos, delfines y zamioculcas we have worked on listening and sound perception as tools for the dissolution of the categorization between nature and culture, trying to establish a new multi-species environment of creation and experience. Through sound practices we were able to speculate narratives that allow us to rethink the utopia/dystopia dichotomy and enhance the relationships between different fields of knowledge, blurring the boundaries between theory and practice, in order to activate new voices and narrate ourselves beyond traditional canons.

The purpose of the workshop has been to imagine together worlds within other worlds, beings that create universes, which represent new frameworks from which to understand how to inhabit the ecological crisis. At the end of these meetings we produced a radio program for La Casa Encendida Radio.


Interspecies Erotica Through collective readings and speculations we explored the genre of interspecies erotica and ecosexuality as a way to rethink our relationship with non-human entities. This embodiment functions as a tool to break the taboos of coexistence and social constructions that come with inhabiting human cultures. Through role playing in online communities, such as, for example, the Furry community, we will co-wrote erotic texts that were interpreted and reproduced in La Casa Encendida Radio.

Sound Derivations In these sessions we used body sounds and their evocative potentialities to generate non-verbal narratives that play with the boundaries between human, non-human and nature. Inspired by phonetic and sound poetry, we worked on vocalization, breathing, guttural sounds, vibratory sounds and other emanations derived from the body and the voice as a way to get out of logocentric communication and produce abstracted, viscous and vertiginous oralities. In these sessions composed from the intimate voice of the body to the choral voice that comes from the collective.

Walkscapes We took walkscapes in Madrid’s biggest urban park investigating its acoustic ecology. This experience focused on deep listening and field recording as a way that allowed us to create an expanded connection with the environment.

Production The last two sessions were dedicated to the production of radiophonic sound pieces that were presented on La Casa Encendida Radio.

You can listen to the whole program here!

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